Count on your cooperative — your trusted energy source.
We have the resources to help you understand your energy options. Whether it’s learning more about renewable energy or helping you find out where power outages are occurring, we’re here for you.
Interest in solar power generation is growing. At, you’ll find information to help you determine whether your home is suitable for solar panels and whether an investment in a rooftop solar system makes good financial sense.
You can also learn more about our Community Solar* program, the largest network of community solar farms in South Carolina.
*Participation and program specifics vary by cooperative.
enLiGHTenSC is an energy education program developed by educators for the consumer-owned electric cooperatives in South Carolina. The program gives teachers free access to energy-related information and activities for their classrooms. Resources align with state education standards and are designed to get young people excited about STEM subjects: science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Click here to learn more.
Restoring power after a major outage involves much more than simply throwing a switch or removing a tree from a line. Click here to see how power is restored.
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